About Gamlers Anonymous
About Gamblers Anonymous
Compulsive gambling is also known as problem gambling and pathological gambling. In Gam-Anon we use the term compulsive gambling. It is the same term used by Gamblers Anonymous. Compulsive gambling is recognized by the American Psychiatric Association as an addiction. Compulsive gamblers experience irresistable urges to gamble. There never seems to be enough winnings to satisfy compulsive gamblers and they continue to gamble, eventually losing more money than was won.
Our experience with compulsive gamblers has taught us that in spite of the financial losses and escalating emotional turmoil, compulsive gamblers continue to believe that they can control or moderate their gambling activities. However, our experience confirms that compulsive gamblers cannot stop gambling for very long without help, even after they express a desire to do so.
When compulsive gamblers reach the point where they are willing to admit loss of control over gambling and the complete unmanageability of their lives, they may finally be ready to accept help. This help can be found in Gamblers Anonymous.
To contact Gamblers Anonymous write to:
Gamblers Anonymous International Service Office
PO Box 17173
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: 626-960-3500
Fax: 626-960-3501
Website: www.gamblersanonymous.org